Landscaper in San Luis Obispo CA

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  • 5 Low Water Plants to Incorporate in Your San Luis Obispo Landscaping Design

    Here in San Luis Obispo, we are recovering from an intense drought. Throughout the drought, homeowners looked for ways to conserve water. Many homeowners chose to forego their lawn and landscaping maintenance to save water as the drought wore on. As a result, incorporating drought-resistant elements such as hardscaping and low water plants has become…

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  • 6 Creative Ideas for Your San Luis Obispo Residential Landscape

    Let’s face it, nobody appreciates a boring a lawn no matter how clean it is. With an endless sea of possibilities, a little bit of effort, and an affordable investment, you could create something unique for your home and give increase its value. Plus your family, neighbors, and guests will love you for it. Need…

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If you are looking for a San Luis Obispo landscaper Contractor, please call Dan’s Landscaping Company at 805-550-5488 or fill out our online request form.

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